Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010


California welfare recipients withdrew $1.8 million at casinos over 8 months, using their state-issued debit cards. The losers who did this will undoubtedly fuel the conservatives who bemoan welfare as handouts. First, this occurrence would certainly seem like a valid argument against a debit card method of welfare. Second, and more importantly, these withdrawals accounted for about 1% of the total withdrawals. That's a lot--no doubt--but whatever system you use, you'll have losers. A more conservative approach will increase the number of deserving, hardworking families who can't get the brief leg-up they need. A more liberal approach will increase the number of wasteful leeches who really just want a handout. I would argue that a 1% waste-rate is better than shoving deserving families into further poverty. (Again, however, the government should have been aware that these debit cards were being used for gambling before now!)

Fetal Pain

A new study suggests that a fetus cannot feel pain at 24 weeks. I doubt this will do much to change the minds of hardcore abortion foes. For people who struggle with the moral implications of abortion, this might make them more likely to support a woman's right to have an abortion.

"American news media finally realized they kind of suck."

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
McChrystal's Balls - Honorable Discharge
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Decoy Jews

Amsterdam authorities are considering using decoys -- plainclothes officers wearing yarmulkes -- to combat a supposed rise in anti-Semitic acts. They are also considering increased surveillance cameras, despite some evidence that surveillance cameras are not especially good at reducing crime and can actually increase fear & perception of crime.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Maddow on Republican Strategy

I got a little bored toward the end, but the first 5 minutes is good stuff (and some past there too).


Is there a brain stem in God's neck?

Cambodian Sex Trade

One in 40 Cambodian girls will be sold into sex slavery.

Some girls will be sold for as little as US$10 and be as young as 5.

One former sex slave is
fighting back. Despite her past and lack of education, she speaks 5 languages and is raising three children, including her sister's daughter. Time calls Somaly Mam one of the most influential people on the planet.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Condom with a Bite

A doctor has developed a female condom with "teeth" that will grab onto a rapist's pecker & will not let go until he seeks medical attention. The doctor hopes that this will increase the number of prosecuted rape cases.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Poor BP

The BP exec just wants his life back, and now the oil giant has been the victim of a shakedown. When will it end??

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Each frame is created by a different person. Go here to contribute.

Tsk, Tsk, Rand Paul

Turns out that "board-certified" ophthalmologist Rand Paul isn't really board certified. At least not by the only board that is recognized. He's certified by a board that he founded in 1999. That seems wrong on so many levels. I thought this Paul character was a principled guy who just has a completely different view of reality than I do. I believed him when he said he wasn't a racist. Well, I'll stand by that -- he's probably still not a racist. But is a liar. Or a truth-stretcher, if you will. Not cool, Rand Paul. Not cool at all.

Madonna, Gaga, & Religion

Lady Gaga is no Madonna. For one, she can actually sing. But that's not the point of Mark Judge. He argues that Lady Gaga's video for "Alejandro" is cheap, stale blasphemy, whereas Madonna's "Like a Prayer" video was "an intelligent and even devout meditation on grace, love and conscience." Worth a read.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Painting with Tape

Mark Khaisman uses packing tape and then backlights the image.

Wacky Bridge

This bridge is part of a proposal to connect Hong Kong to mainland China. In Hong Kong, they drive on the left side of the road; in China, they drive on the right. The solution? A bridge that twists under itself. Cool.


More photos by Clark Little here.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

BP's Coffee Spill

I debated whether to post this. It seems a little tacky to make light of such a major disaster. However, I think it's healthy to make fun of BP. So, here you go.

Obama Calls Palin


The Queen's English

I say "couldn't care less"! However, I did not know that the English say "titbit" instead of "tidbit." Aren't they quaint?

Politicians and their mics

Goodness gracious. When will people learn that they should watch themselves whenever they are ANYWHERE near a mic or a camera? It could be on, people!

Here's Carly Fiorina making fun of Barbara Boxer's hair. It happens in the last 20 seconds or so. Forward to about 4:00. I like the look on her face when I presume that someone off camera reminds her that she's being recorded. (Also, from earlier in the tape...Carly, learn to cover your mouth when you yawn.)


Pencil drawings by Paul Lung here and here.

Ebert, Murals, & Race

Roger Ebert has a thoughtful piece about the Arizona mural that is definitely worth a read.

Changing Tides

Changing views on homosexuality & awareness of knowing someone who's homosexual.


From Andrew Sullivan.

The Gays

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Presented Without Comment

Biggest Oil Spill

happened in 1910.

Gay Hater Gets Transgender Opponent

Sally Kern, the Oklahoma State Representative who declared homosexuality to be a greater threat than terrorism, is going to face off against Brittany Novotny, a transgendered woman in the general election. (*Note: I know the difference between transgendered and gay, but I seriously doubt Sally Kern does or cares.) Anyway, good luck Novotny!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Monday, June 7, 2010

Friendship Matters

Humpback whales form friendships that last years.

Nutter Bars

Some clerics are suggesting that adult men drink a woman's breast milk (either in a glass, or directly from her breast) to circumvent the laws against mixing between the sexes. Now, you might be wondering a grown man suckling a woman's breast "circumvents" anything related to propriety between men & women. Lemme 'splain.

A man is considered a relative of any woman from whom he breastfeeds. Sons can be alone with their mothers without punishment. Apparently, it is not uncommon for sisters to breastfeed their nephews for this reason. So if a lady comes in contact with a man frequently, then she should share her milk. Then the relationship is maternal and will, if I understand correctly, prevent any untoward behavior between them. Religious logic is bizarre.

And just FYI, according the article, it sounds like most people in the countries from which these fatwas have arisen (Saudi Arabia & Egypt) think they're nuts.

Old Gladiators

Archaeologists have uncovered what they think is a gladiator graveyard. Mostly I'm posting this because I miss Bones.

Texas Board of Education

A good article on the new Texas schoolbooks that print Jefferson Davis' inaugural speech next to Lincoln's.


I saw an episode of Special Victims Unit about "sexsomnia," the tendency to have sex while asleep. It appears to not only exist, but to be more common than you might think. Eleven percent of men and four percent of women referred to a sleep clinic reported this problem. The rates in the general population would obviously be much, much lower.

How a Bill Becomes a Law

A color-coded diagram.

Friday, June 4, 2010


An Arizona councilman doesn't understand why a school would paint a mural and make the "black guy" the most prominent. Said councilman also "can't stand" the word "diversity," but he's "not a racist" and even has some black friends! Also, the "black guy" in question -- actually a Hispanic kid. But, hey, a minority is a minority, amiright?

Scientists Can Be Funny

I was reading about some of the greatest astrophysics discoveries of the last 100 years. Winner of the 1930s was Fritz Zwicky, who first suggested the theory of dark matter. However, his other major contribution to humanity was to coin the term "spherical bastard," as in no matter what direction you look at him from, he's still a bastard.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Fun with Hearing


Today in the News of Duh

College cheerleaders are at risk for eating disorders. Next they'll be telling me that sorority girls are at risk for eating disorders.

Ted's New Church

My favorite disgraced gay evangelical is starting a new church, in defiance of his old church. Good luck, Ted. Don't be a homo-hater, or I'll have to find a new favorite disgraced gay evangelical. They're not in short supply, so it shouldn't be too hard.

The Beginning

A clue about why matter prevailed over anti-matter.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010