Friday, July 9, 2010

Glenn Beck, You are a toad.

The title for this post was going to be, "Glenn Beck wants to edumucate the masses," but my auto-fill-in feature gave me the above option. It seemed appropriate, so I went with it.

Anyhoozles, Glenn Beck is starting an online "academic experience" that will educate paying "students" about religion, American history, and economics.

Wow, I didn't know Glenn Beck had a PhD in those things. I'll have to go look at his credentials and maybe re-think my view of Beck. ..... OK, I'm back! You'll be shocked to know this, but Glenn Beck doesn't even HAVE a PhD in religion, history, and economics. Not even one! It turns out -- you might want to sit down for this one -- Glenn Beck didn't go to college! I take that back. He took a class on early christian something or another. Good enough! You go, Glenn Beck.

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