Monday, February 9, 2009

Holocaust Denier, Inquisition Apologist

That nasty bishop the Pope ex-excommunicated is going to look into this Holocaust thing and see if there's any support for it. There's also a lovely defense of the Inquisition over at the Society of St. Pius X (the anit-Vatican II society the nasty bishop is part of). It's long, but here are some gems:

"Nevertheless, the most serious historical studies have henceforth recognized that the Inquisition was an honest tribunal, which sought to convert heretics more than to punish them, which condemned relatively few people to the flames, and which only employed torture in exceptional cases."

Oh, well, OK then.

But if the Church recognizes the freedom of conscience of the individual in his innermost heart, if the individual is free, at the risk of his salvation, to refuse the faith, it does not follow that he can propagate his errors and thus lead other souls to hell. So, the Church respects the freedom of conscience of individuals, but not the freedom of expression of false doctrines." (bold in original)

Remember above all that the Inquisition did not concern itself with the private opinions of the heretics, but solely with the public propagation of the heresy. The Inquisition did not commit any offense against the individual conscience, but acted solely against the exterior activities of the heretics."

(Via Slog)

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