Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Liz Cheney's a Doll

This ad was put together by Liz Cheney's group Keep America Safe. Despite the fact that it asks whose values the "Al-Qaeda 7" (that'd be 7 of the lawyers who represented detainees) share and calls the DOJ, the "Department of Jihad," Cheney claims that the ad does not question loyalties.

Even Bush veterans think that's a "cheap shot*." Kenneth Wainstein, US attorney & homeland security adviser under Bush had this to say:

While it's legitimate for the public to inquire about the past work of DOJ political appointees, we need to recognize that our judicial system cannot function without pro bono counsel, and it doesn't make a lawyer less patriotic just because he or she has represented a criminal or terrorist suspect.

So, shut your trap, Liz Cheney.

*How pretentious is the Washington Post? They refer to Liz Cheney as Elizabeth Cheney and Dick Cheney as Richard B. Cheney. Get over yourself.

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