Saturday, January 29, 2011

Naval Academy Treats Surviving Gay Spouse With Dignity

Maybe that headline shouldn't be that impressive, but it is. Here is a touching story of a man whose husband -- a graduate of the Naval Academy -- died of a heart attack. They had been legally married in Iowa two years prior. When he approached the Naval Academy with his husband's request to be buried at the Naval Academy's Columbarium, he was treated like any other surviving spouse, and was offered the flag at the funeral. It's worth a read. Here's a snippet referring to the obituary published in the US Naval Academy Alumni magazine:
It noted his two Purple Hearts for “having been shot down from the sky twice in military missions.” It noted “for the rest of his life he would joke about his ‘government issued ankle.’ ” It noted “his burly but warmly gentle manner.” It noted he was “survived by his husband, Mark Thomas Ketterson.”

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