Friday, June 5, 2009


Andrew Sullivan has been posting many readers' emails of their personal stories involving abortion. He is pro-life, but has been posting many stories that fall solidly in the grey area -- including women who chose to end pregnancies that would have threatened their lives, wishing they had ended pregnancies that resulted in an infant who lived only a few, painful days, or being glad they chose to continue an impossible pregnancy. One woman who wrote in said that her family practically disowned her when she terminated in ectopic pregnancy. Another woman wrote in rightly arguing that ectopic pregnancies are virtually impossible to carry to term or even to viability. This woman then argues that miscarriage and the emotional pain associated with it deserves more recognition in society, particularly among anti-abortion advocates. Here are her words:

Women who have miscarriages are the great silent minority in America. It's not acknowledged. Many people don't understand why I sank into a deep depression after mine. To many pro-life advocates it's only a baby if it's aborted by man. If God aborts it, they simply don't care.

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