Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Man on Mars?
Monday, March 30, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Gainesville Votes Against Discrimination
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Walken Tweets
Friday, March 20, 2009
UNC System Budget Cuts
Eliminate 267 positions, including 107 faculty positions
372 courses not offered. Reduction in enrollment of 3400 students
Reduction of housecleaning
Eliminate 109 positions, including 59 faculty positions
Reduction of 275 class sections, totaling about 7500 class seats
Limiting advising and tutoring
Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Legality of Gayness
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
"Corrective" Rape
Sunday, March 15, 2009
That is bleak.
In October, it was still headed south: $18,513. (See 4th paragraph.)
For the month of December 2008, the median price of a home sold in Detroit: $7500. There are no missing zeros in that number. It is cheaper to buy a house in Detroit than it is for an in-state student to attend UMich for a year ($10,848, plus fees).
DC & the HIV epidemic
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Embryonic Stem Cell Research
An excerpt:
I do not believe human embryonic stem cell research should be a free-for-all. While I do not personally believe that human life starts at the moment when sperm-meets-egg, I do recognize that human blastocysts deserve serious treatment.
I believe that the donation of blastocysts and the distribution of the subsequent embryonic stem cell lines should be strictly decommercialized. The entire process should be like how we handle organ donation from adults—with oversight, and the prohibition of money changing hands in the process.
Obama's easing of the Federal funding restrictions on human embryonic stem cell research opens the door for such a policy in a way that Bush's restrictions never did. By preventing public funding, the destruction of human embryos was forced into the private sector. In a horrifying way, Bush's policies made the destruction of human embryos a matter of private enterprise—a potentially for-profit venture. Anything else would be better.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Liar, liar, pants on fire
Andrew Sullivan and I are BFF
Slipping in Earmarks
Nobody reads academic papers
When Bad Things Happen
1. In the best way we can, in the face of no viable alternatives beyond doom.
From NOAA:NOAA’s National Weather Service has issued a report that analyzes forecasting performance and public response during the second deadliest tornado outbreak in U.S. history. The report, Service Assessment of the Super Tuesday Tornado Outbreak of February 5-6, 2008, also addresses a key area of concern: why some people take cover while others ride out severe weather.
In reviewing the public response, the team found that two-thirds of the victims were in mobile homes, and 60 percent did not have access to safe shelter (i.e., a basement or storm cellar). The majority of the survivors interviewed for the assessment sought shelter in the best location available to them, but most of them also did not have access to a safe shelter. Some indicated they thought the threat was minimal because February is not within traditional tornado season. Several of those interviewed said they spent time seeking confirmation and went to a safe location only after they saw a tornado. Many people minimized the threat of personal risk through “optimism bias,” the belief that such bad things only happen to other people.
2. Willed ignorance in the face of growing danger, in service of greed.
From the Boston Globe:The federal agency that insures bank deposits, which is asking for emergency powers to borrow up to $500 billion to take over failed banks, is facing a potential major shortfall in part because it collected no insurance premiums from most banks from 1996 to 2006.The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, which insures deposits up to $250,000, tried for years to get congressional authority to collect the premiums in case of a looming crisis. But Congress believed that the fund was so well-capitalized - and that bank failures were so infrequent - that there was no need to collect the premiums for a decade, according to banking officials and analysts.
Now with 25 banks having failed last year, 17 so far this year, and many more expected in the coming months, the FDIC has proposed large new premiums for banks at the very time when many can least afford to pay. The agency collected $3 billion in the fees last year and has proposed collecting up to $27 billion this year, prompting an outcry from some banks that say it will force them to raise consumer fees and curtail lending.
3. Manipulate and lie, to temporarily cover your ass.
From NakedCapitalism:Readers may recall that during Lehman's demise, a pitched battle was underway between some short sellers, epitomized by David Einhorn of Greenlight Capital. Einhorn raised questions about Lehman's financial statements, specifically, inconsistencies and rosy looking valuations. The struggle became weirdly per[s]onalized, as Lehman sought to burnish the image of charmismatic CFO Erin Callen, as contrasted with the presumed to be evil company wrecking Einhorn. Of course, if the real performance (as opposed to what the reports said) was as bad as Einhorn's line of inquiry suggested, it was management that had done the company-wrecking, but that level of detail is often lost on CNBC.And one of the regular features of the Lehman versus its detractors affair was leaks to the media, leaks of a sort that even if the firm had done it in a way that it had plausible deniability, were clearly intended to reach outside parties, particularly the media.
Now let us turn to Citi. Recall what transpired, per the Wall Street Journal:
Citigroup Inc. was profitable in the first two months of 2009 and is having its best quarter in a year and a half, Chief Executive Vikram Pandit said in an internal memo aimed at boosting employee and investor confidence in his struggling bank.Yves here. This is simply stunning. The Journal says up front a supposed internal memo was in fact intended to reassure investors.
Dunno about you, but this looks to me like a bald faced attempt to manipulate the stock price, and it certainly worked.
Well, the Citigroup thing might also be a little pump-and-dump scam! From Bloomberg:
Four Citigroup Inc. executives who bought the bank’s stock last week generated a $2.2 million paper profit within nine days, regulatory filings show.The executives, including director Roberto Hernandez, benefited as the company’s stock climbed 47 percent from March 10 through yesterday’s close of markets, after Chief Executive Officer Vikram Pandit said in a memo that the bank is having the best quarter since 2007. Their buying spree was the first by bank insiders since Jan. 14, filings show.
Pandit wrote in the internal memo March 10 that the company was profitable in January and February, leaving him “encouraged with the strength of our business so far in 2009.” The comments triggered Citigroup’s biggest one-day percentage gain since Nov. 24, spurring global markets.
And, for those of you who bitched about the relatively tiny US automaker bailout:
General Motors, which has borrowed $13.4 billion from the federal government since December to keep itself out of bankruptcy, said on Thursday that it had withdrawn a request for an additional $2 billion that it thought was needed to stay alive through the end of this month.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Sullivan's View from your Recession
"We are taking on boarders, renting our downstairs rooms (cutting our living space from 2400 to 1500 sq ft for ourselves and our two children.)" (emphasis mine)
BooHOO. I'm sorry you only have a spacious 1500 sq ft for a small family of four. I will be CERTAIN to cry in my cornflakes over your loss. Seriously, that's great they're cutting corners and being responsible, but don't play violins over 1500 sq ft. That's a lot to a lot of people.
GE is Deliverance?
Jon Stewart takes on CNBC
It continues:
It's still funny:
Washington Equality
Monday, March 9, 2009
When your bank fails.
Watch CBS Videos Online
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Tanya Harding is still a nutjob.
via Wonkette.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
"Defense" of Marriage
"Whereas, of the 15 states in the Southeastern U.S., only one has failed to pass constitutional amendments defining marriage as the 'union of one man and one woman.'"
Well, then, by all means, pass it. Also pass something like, "Whereas, North Carolina is one of the only southeastern states to have a decent education system, we should stop educating our children."
(But, News & Observer says Joe Hackney is trying to kill it in committees.)
Scientology Wackiness
Scientologists Try to Explain how Psychiatrists caused 9/11 and the Holocaust from Chris Doyle on Vimeo.