Wednesday, February 10, 2010

So Many Hitlers!

A letter to the Washington Times from a retired Marine:

A small group of German officers opposed the loyalty oath to Hitler despite great political pressure. They courageously honored and respected the moral and institutional values they represented and knew to be right. We who are Marines are proud to see that our commandant has shown similar courage in the face of political pressure to allow avowed homosexuals to become Marines.

A cold chill shivers down the spines of men when they contemplate the physical acts of homosexual behavior. It is important the American people know that their Marines, and our commandant, have spine enough to notice and oppose this folly. I hope they will honor the many generations of Marines who sacrificed for American freedom and will remember to vote for and support those who will work to "keep our honor clean."

Semper Fidelis.


So many things! First, the good news. This is written by an old fart! Old farts will die someday and take their homophobic ideals with them to the grave. Moving on. When will people learn that comparisons to Hitler are never accurate. I mean, unless you are talking about someone like Idi Amin, Hitler is just a bad metaphor. Does Col. Corbett really think that allowing out gays in the military (note: closeted gays are already allowed) is the same as overseeing the murder of millions of people? Really?

Next point, Colonel. Why is it homosexuals' fault that when you think of them, you automatically think of sex? Thinking of your wrinkly ass getting it on grosses me out, so let's strip you of whatever honors you earned as a Marine. Or is it that you always think of people of having sex, no matter what? Do you get a "warm shiver" somewhere other than your spine whenever you look at heterosexuals because you're thinking of their sex lives? Did that constant erection get in the way of your military duties?


sarah said...


Alice from Alabama said...

It worries me when you hold back like this! :-)